Human Factors Research Featured in SPE and IADC Magzines
Research from MPGE faculty and staff continues to make headlines. Team members Dr. Saeed Salehi, Dr. Catalin Teodoriu, Raj Kiran and Azeem Raza have been conducting research on human factors in safe drilling operations using eye-tracking technology. Their research has continously grabbed the attention of petroleum industry. Recently, The Way Ahead, a premier magazine from the Society of Petroleum Engineers International has featured an article on cognitive study of human factors in safer drilling operations.
Previously, IADC Drilling Contractor Magazine interviewed Mr. Kiran about this research. The research assessed the situational awareness and cognitive response in real-time of drilling professionals in the field using eye-tracking technology. The data generated is used to gain more insight into drilling operations and, ultimately, will use critical cues found in the research to make drilling operations safer. The research, Real-time Eye-tracking System to Evaluate and Enhance Situation Awareness and Process Safety in Drilling Operations, was published in the SPE paper (IADC/SPE-189678). In addition, the interview was focused on the potential for real-time eye-tracking to improve drillers’ situational awareness. The interview featured in May/June issue of drilling contractor magazine.